meet our heritage breeds
Unlike traditional livestock breeds, heritage breeds stand out for their adaptability to the environment and diverse genetic backgrounds. While many heritage breeds have become extinct due to practices of modern farming, our two sheep, five turkeys, two goats, and lots of chickens are thriving as they have free range to roam the property.
dairy goats
Meet our purebred Nubian dairy goats, including Gina, Stella, Conie, Darla, Manny, and their adorable kids! Our Nubians come from a line of sweet-tasting, high milk-producing ancestors. With the University of Davis nearby, we leverage the latest information and technology for their care, and have even used ultrasounds to determine the number of babies and adjust their nutrition accordingly.
Meet our five pure white St. Croix sheep/expert orchard landscapers! They belong to the hair breed, which means no top teeth and a striking black tongue. With lower lanolin levels, their meat is sweeter and less gamy than traditional wool lamb breeds.

Our pigs are fantastic recyclers, transforming our leftover veggies into bacon while minimizing farm waste. Originally from Hungary, they're a part of the Slow Food Ark of Taste due to their heritage and charcuterie excellence. These old-world pigs require more time to reach full size, but the quality is well worth the wait.
Our on-farm apiary hosts free range honey bees that produce exquisite honey, available in jars for $12.00. You can enjoy it as a part of your Farm Club share, or purchase it separately whenever you like.
Please note that our Honey Bees tirelessly explore vast areas in their quest for nectar and pollen. While we cannot certify our honey as organic due to the uncertain organic status of the source plants, rest assured that our honey is both delicious and nutritious.